Floor cramics for office building “Aallonharja” in Finland
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Lindenauer Harbour – a new urban quarter on the waterfront
9. February 2021

Prinz Eugen residental park, Munich

Owner: GEWOFAG Holding, Munich

Architect: AllesWirdGut Architektur, Munich

Total floor area: 46.000 qm

Quanitity: 5.000 qm brick slips

Facade: Graphit und special production RAD white, DF

Photo: Fotoatelier Bernhard

From the former military area to a residential quarter |

Since 2017, a new neighbourhood for over 4,000 people has been built on the site of the former Prinz Eugen barracks. Around 1,800 flats and supplementary infrastructure facilities were built. The neighbourhood is home to so-called clusters with a variety of housing types for different age groups and social classes – high-density low-rise buildings, terraced houses, urban villas and apartment buildings. The centre of the new residential area is a lively neighbourhood square with shops and restaurants.
Through individual façade designs, the individual, heterogeneous townhouses form diversity and richness of detail. The Prinz-Eugen-Park residential complex rises through the interchange of form and content. Here, liveliness and diversity can be seen.