
Graffiti can be easily removed from ABC-Clinkers with ABC-Graffiti-Remover. It has become part of the appearance of our cities and villages, but it is rarely welcome. For one thing, it seldom meets the aesthetic taste of the house-wall owners, and for another, it is usually very cost-intensive to remove. Although the spraying, which is usually carried out at night, is hardly able to be prevented, one can at least ensure that it disappears as quickly as it came about through one‘s choice of building material for the outer wall. Thanks to the extremely high firing temperatures during the manufacturing process, ABC clinker facing bricks have a surface that reliably prevents the ingress of moisture of all kinds – that goes for both rain and paint. This means that graffiti remains on the surface and can be removed quickly and easily with the ABC graffiti remover, and what‘s more, without leading residues. A façade with clinker facing bricks is not only beautiful and functional, but also robust and impervious.