Review ABC Architects' Day 2017

Presentation: Christoph Kohl / Christoph Kohl Architekten

Christoph Kohl Architekten have over two decades of expertise in the realisation of housing of various sizes. Outstanding examples are the newly founded town of Brandevoort near Eindhoven and the urban expansion of Utrecht Vleuterweide, both in the Netherlands.

At the beginning of his career in Germany, Christoph Kohl realised the Kirchsteigfeld near Potsdam. Recent projects include the Speicherstadt in Potsdam and currently the Bauhaus quarter in Krefeld Fischeln. A future project in Berlin will be the district of Lichterfelde-Süd.

Christoph Kohl Architekten GmbH

Presentation: Dipl.-Ing. Architekt Philipp Loeper / asdfg Architekten

With projects ranging from residential construction to cultural and commercial construction, from Heikendorf to New York, from visionaries to everyday objects, from the first idea to completion, asdfg develops concepts in core areas and peripheral areas of architecture.

asdfg Architekten

Presentation: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Architekt Gernot Schulz / Gernot Schulz Architektur

The Cologne architects Gernot Schulz were able to build a new chapel within the former monastery complex of Altenberg Cathedral, thus adding a new chapter to the eventful history of the Cistercian monastery founded in 1145.

Since 2012, the Cologne architects have been working on the renovation, restructuring and extension of the monastery-like annexes of the cathedral and the youth education centre "Haus Altenberg", which borders south on the towerless transept basilica with choir perimeter and chapel wreath.

Gernot Schulz Architektur