28. March 2019
“Turning old into new” – Rittergut Osthoff in Georgsmarienhütte
6. May 2019

Synagoge in Regensburg

Bauherr: Jüdische Gemeinde Regensburg (K.d.ö.R.)

Architektur: Staab Architekten, Berlin

Bauleitung: ERNST2 Architekten AG, Stuttgart

Tragwerksplanung: Ing.-Büro Drexler + Baumruck, Straubing

Brutto-Grundfläche: 1.050 qm

Planungs- /Bauzeit: 09/2015 - 02/2019

Gesamtbaukosten: € 9 Mio.

Fassade: Sonderbrand aquaterra Regensburg, LF

Fotografie: Marcus Ebener Fotografie

Kunst am Bau: `Gemeinsam´ von Tom Kristen (Gedicht: Rose Ausländer)

Standing bricked, sand-coloured facing bricks for the synagogue in Regensburg |

The Jewish community is located in Regensburg’s old town, which was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2006. The new synagogue building on its historic site recreates the “sacred triangle” of Catholic cathedral, Protestant Neupfarrkirche and Jewish synagogue that existed until 1938.
The differently staggered building structure and the differentiated exterior spaces transform the synagogue and the community centre into one image and pick up on the small-scale nature of the low eaves and gabled neighbouring buildings. The façades of the old building and the new building were colour-coordinated, but clearly show their different periods of origin. The standing, sand-coloured facing clinker brick Regensburg makes it clear that the new building is a building of special significance. The lively surface harmonises with the rough plastered surfaces of the old building. The metal-covered dome of the synagogue rises above the façade of the new building, visible even from a distance. The colourfulness and shine changes depending on the influence of the light and contrasts with the old building.