Lindenauer Harbour – a new urban quarter on the waterfront
9. February 2021
Residential tower De Helix, Groningen
19. August 2021

Community Centre St. Peter, Stuttgart

Owner: Katholisches Stadtdekanat

Architect: Kamm Architekten BDA, Stuttgart

Quantity: 1.000 qm facing bricks

Realization: 2018

Facade: Special production Manufacta Kalmar, NF

Photo: Fotoatelier Bernhard

Church, community centre and day care centre in one building |

After the demolition of the dilapidated district church from the 1970s, a new design consisting of a church hall, community centre and day care centre was planned. Cold-warm contrasts express the colour concept of warm larch wood and beige clinker bricks contrasting with cool exposed concrete and white plaster.
The church, community rooms and day care centre were enclosed with a uniform earth-coloured brick façade. It illustrates permanence and peace through the play of light and shadow.
Kamm Architekten won the limited competition announced in 2015 with a concept that brings together the church, community centre and day care centre in one building. The two-storey box-shaped volume is topped by the tower-like elevated church hall, which in this way creates an accent at the end of a street. A small open courtyard in the middle of the building is intended as an inner centre that can serve as a meditative retreat as well as a communicative meeting place. On the upper floor, the building opens up to a terrace here.